As usual we rushed headlong into a great new year. However, I now realize I have not done enough to let parents know the myriad ways they can connect with me. My apologies for the delay. Here you are:
You can email me at school:
Visit and subscribe to our classroom Ed Tech News blog. You can leave a comment there if you wish.
You can call my Google Voice number from any phone: 7122NoFear (712-266-3327). I forward that number to whichever phone I am using so it will ring through to me. You can also leave a voice mail or text message. (Follow this link to find out more about Google Voice and get a number for yourself. It's pretty handy.)
You can follow me on Twitter. My classroom teaching username is @MsShanksClass. My tweets are protected because we are conversing with and about minors. Just send a request to view my tweets and I'll get the message. I will try to get in the habit of tweeting news and announcements as soon as I have some followers. You are welcome to Direct Message me @MsShanksClass if you don't want all my followers to see your tweet(s). I would like to follow you, too, so I get to know you and your family better!
I hope to get a classroom Facebook page up and running soon. It will be called Ms. Shanks' Class and we will want all of you to friend us! (If there is anyone with some time to set this up in the near future, I would gladly accept your help.)
This next note will not make much sense on the surface, but perhaps you will sympathize after I explain: I would encourage you to please try not to rely on calling my classroom phone as it seems it is becoming harder and harder for me to answer it -- especially when I am teaching 6 classes with about 30 students during the day. I can answer the previous types of communications much faster than a voice mail on the classroom phone. I am almost always near my cell, my laptop, or my desktop computer but I am rarely near the classroom phone. I only make this request because I would like to be as responsive to you as quickly as possible.
Hopefully you will find that one or all of these ways to reach me will meet your needs. I'd like to keep you informed, included, and encouraged about Digital Technology classes.