Agenda Week 8

Week 8 Agenda (Image is not linked)   

We will be concentrating on catching up the classes that have missed days due to holidays, assemblies, early release, etc. 


What’s happening this week in IT? 
(Sunday is Early Release Schedule and Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 22)

First Grade:  Bring a small stuffed animal to class, please. We will play Sid’s Safety Game if there is time and the animals will help us.

Second Grade: Assessing Surf Swell Comics About Web Safety/Play Booker’s Computer. 

Third Grade: Finish Professor Garfield’s Infinite Learning Lab Quizzes (Part 1, 
Cyberbullying/Part 2, Online Safety. HOMEWORK: If you have not finished Cyberbullying and its quiz, catch up at home.  Study the Cyberbullying and Online Safety sections of Professor Garfield’s  Infinite Learning Lab for a summative assessment.

Fourth Grade: Continue Digital Passport Modules. Do “Cyberbullying- EVOLVE” this week. HOMEWORK: re-play “Twalkers” and “Privacy Share Jumper” modules if you didn’t pass with at least 60%.

Fifth Grade: Team Project: 9 Elements/ISTE Standard 5. Finish research Mini-Lesson about Keywords. HOMEWORK: FIND AT LEAST 3 EXAMPLES ABOUT YOUR TOPIC using what you learned about research.  In class we will work on our projects.