Week 11 - 3 Weeks Left In Trimester



GOOD NEWS ALERT RE: GOOGLE APPS ACCOUNTS: Don’t worry about setting up your own accounts. Mr. Kashan from I.T. and I have come up with a better solution. See me for the user names and passwords! :)

First Grade:  NETS-S 1: MAKE IT! Use tech to make new things to show what I know.   We are continuing in ScribbleMaps and Animaps — we will make Home Tours.

Second Grade:  NETS-S 1: MAKE IT! Use tech to make new things to show what I know. We continue the Book Trailers Unit this week.

Third Grade: NETS-S 6: Intro to Showbie & Puppet Pals 2 by request from your homeroom teachers, then in 2 weeks we’ll be back to NETS 1-MAKE IT!  Using Technology to Make a Picture Book.  We will make a Plot Plan and Story Map first.

Fourth Grade: NETS-S 5: Collect Digital Passport Packets except for Thursday’s class (they get one more week because their packets were delayed in printing office).  Begin new unit: Making Surveys in Google Docs and analyzing the results.  This means you need a Google Account so I’ll show you how to make one.

Fifth Grade: Due BY END OF CLASS THIS WEEK — Partner Project: 9 Elements/NETS Standard 5. Bring Your iPad to class!  We will start a new unit next week for Standard 2: Use Different Technologies to Communicate and Work With Others.  This will require you to know your Office 365 password and your Google account password from last year.  We will sort that out together.